Thursday, April 24, 2014

Proven Tactics Trump Marketing Tricks in B2B Sales

While new business-to-business marketing tricks get press, marketing basics, not some technology sleight of hand, remain the surest way to find, win and keep customers. And we thank Larry Kim, founder and CTO of WordStream, a search engine software firm, for that reminder in his recent article for Inc. magazine. Kim cites five basic strategies that have delivered B2B sales increases for his company: First "be a thought leader" to provide potential clients with information that underscores your expertise and authority via multiple channels, including website, blogging, podcasts, video, conference presentations, Twitter chats, you name it. Next, build brand ambassadors inside (employees) and outside (clients); encourage social media as one way for ambassadors to get the word out. Third, develop a profile of your ideal client and find out where to reach them and what message connects with them; since it costs five times as much to acquire a new client as it does to generate business from existing customers, targeting high-ROI prospects is essential. Fourth, Kim advises to "be real" in marketing and lead nurturing -- the tried-and-true tactic of underpromising and overdelivering. Finally, learn target prospects' paths to purchase in order to provide needed information in preferred formats and channels at the right timing for onboarding clients. Yes, it's common sense, but, alas, it's not always common practice! For the complete article, go to

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